The Clinton Eye from Clinton, Missouri (2024)

News From CHILHOWEE Henry County Is outstanding. 1 Wear the name proudly. You help" both your' govern- ment and yourself when you buy UNITED STATUS SAVINGS BONDS regularly. Radio Station P.ROWN 1000-Watt Voiced Midwest Missouri 12 80 on Your Dial Effective March 1957 CLINTON, MISSOURI SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE 53 EB ji r-5 axaa B3 sbs 33 Ar3t faC3 SK; t3 fet numb wok TKe Clinton Eya 2-C Thursday, Mar. 14, 1957 Mrs.

Marvin Hurr fpent Feb. 26 with Mr. Ilurr's sister, Mrs. Myrl of Holdcn, who is 111. Mr.

and Mrs. Edwin Brfnkrr-niun And Mr. and Mrs. Lester Brinketman and daughters of Union spent the week-end, Mar. 2-3 in the Florence and Wilbei Burton homes.

Mrs. Burton went home with them for a visit. Mr. and Mrs, George Small of Pleasant Hill called Mar. 3 in the Palo Davis home.

The Dean Campbells moved into the house on Pennsylvania recently vacated by John Kruse. Dean will be employed at the Tally Motor Company in War-rensburg. Marvin Greene Is working on the KCPL project near LaDim, Mr. and Mrs. Dannie Wall of Kansas City called in the K.

V. Smith home Mar. 2. Ho and Mr. Smith were in service together at Camp Campbell, Ky.

Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Smith spent Thursday, Feb.

28, in Kansas City with his brother and si.tcr. The Chilhowee Indians 4-H Club met at the Legion Hall Friday night, 'Mar. 1, with 5(i members and 00 visitors present. Plans were made for 4-H Talent Night, which was held at high school auditorium Mar. 9.

In the absence of Dr. Jones, Mrs. Roy Maples gave a talk on Health. Mrs. Ralph Coe heads the 4-H Club this year.

Pud Cecil called recently on Fd Sullin who has been confined to his home for a long time. Mrs. Garland Benezette of TAa Angeles, and Mr. and Mrs. H.

H. Benezette of Lee's Summit spent several days recently with Mr. and Mrs. iG. Marksberry and Dale, Mr, und Mrs.

J. W. co*ck and Mrs. Stella Braden, all of Chilhowee. Mr.

and Mrs. Walter Doak shopped in Clinton last week. Mr. and Mrs. E.

A. Kellogg of Ray town called in the R. Brown home Mar. 3. Mr.

Kellogg and Mr. Brown were roommates while in Menorah Hospital in Kansas City two years ago. 11:30 Henry County Agents (Sat. Only) At Noon 12:05 State and Local News 12:25 County Agent (Except Sat.) Shop (Except Sat.) 12:30 Plaza Super Market Specials Sat.) 12:35 Swap Shop Sut.) 12:15 MFA Radio Round Up 1:30 Public Service Market 12:50 Livestock Market 12:55 Weather Report 1:00 Matinee 2:00 News Sketches 2:05 New Sounds on Wax 2:45 Public Service Program 3:00 Mid-Afternoon News 3:05 Sound Track 1280 4:05 Howard Ball Show 4:30 Clinton Hi Reporter (Except Howard 'Ball Show 5:00 News 5:30 Relax and Listen 6:00 News Wrap Up 6:15 Sign Off his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

A. No-land. He left Tuesday for Alabama where he will be affiliated with a radio station. Hi family will follow as soon as he finds living quarters. He was formerly with KDKD at Clinton.

The Chilhowee 4-H held a skating party at the Warrens-burg- rink Thursday night. Feb. 28, with a large crowd attending. Ponald Cox is working for the Goodall Miwer Company at War-rensburg, The fire department was called to the Fail Karnhart home on the county line Wednesday nfght, Feb. 27, where a flue was burning out.

No damage, done. Rev. and Mrs. Ava Pitchford. who have been 111 the 10 days, were able to be back at church Sunday, Mr-, and Mrs.

Raymond Riley and family moved Into the Leland Chambers house. He has employment at Waironsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Earl CUirkson moved into the Roy Graham hou e.

He is employed at the State Highway barn, west of town. The Loyal Leaders Class of the Community-Methodist Church had a potluck supper in the basem*nt Mar. 1, honoring CWO E. V. Smith who will leave this week for Guam where he will be two years.

A large crowd was present. Mrs. Dixie Tags and children spent Sunday of last week in the J. N. Birnel home.

iMr. and Mrs. Dale Granger of Kansas City spent the week-end, Mar. 2-3, with relatives in Chilhowee. Callers in the E.

V. Smith' home Mar. 3 were Rev. and Mrs. Ava Pitchford, Mr.

and Mrs. Chas. Redmond and Jas. Redmond. Linda Joe Noland of -Urich spent a recent weelt-end in the home of her grandparents, Mr.

and Mrs. A. Poliiin. She, with the Polsins, spent Sunday in the home of their daughter, Mrs. Joe Eeaty land family.

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Johnston near Windsor were in- Chilhowee Mar. 2 and rented their Chilhowee place to 'Mr. Blackaby who has lived on the A.

place the past your. Walter Webster spent several days recently with her father, Sterling Ussery of Marshall, who was in Kansas City at a hospital for a back in- jury. Mrs. Lillie Mae Hensley was in Kansas CiSty last week for a checkup. Mrs.

Flo Crumbaugh substituted recently for Mrs. Neal, home economics teacher in Chilhowee High School. Mrs. Mable Day of Gary. who had visited recently with Mrs.

Beaman and sister, Mrs. Browne, left for home Mar. 2. vL Ammo-Phos assures a bumper yield. Additional Profit.

Added Protection. The Available Phosphate in Ammo-Phos is six times more water soluble than the phesphate used in ordinary fertilizers. ATHLETICS DAY GAMES STARTING MARCH 31 MRS. O. fnM from Attendance at the Community- Methodist Church Sunday Mar.

was Ml. The Ladies Aid of the Community-Methodist Church mot in the M. A. Wallace home Feb. 28, Mrs.

Leslie MeEhvee assisting hostess and 18 members present. The Scripture was read by Mrs. Wallace, and praver K'a- offered by Mrs. Ruth Ilaun. Mrs.

Jaunita Redmond presented the program reviewing the first 1(1 chapters of Acts. Next meeting will be in the church basem*nt. Refreshments were nerved. The men of the Baptist Chinch were hosts to (tie members at, a Fellowship meeting at the church Wednesday Feb. 27.

A womanles.j wedding was given as entertainment. Refreshments of sandwiches, pickles, pie, coffee and cocoa were served at the close of the program. Characters in the wedding' wee: "Bride, James Collett; groom. Walter Webster: minister, John Bancroft; organist, J. W.

Cook; singers, J. Edgar Davis and II. J. Coe, Otis Shul.e father of the brid; Leland Young, mother of the bride; candle lighters James Kilmer and Melvin Vlallhuws; Rev. Hives, ring bearer; and Dr.

Shanks flower girl. Tiie WMS Week of Prayer is being held at the Baptist Church this week. Many friends of Frank Noreross attended his funeral at Clinton Mar. 3. Mr.

Noreross had a shoe repair hop in Chilhcvee several years and was held in high esteem by the people of the area. Mr. and Mrs. K. V.

Smith and R. C. Brown transacted -business in Clinton Friday, Mar. 1. Recent callers in Mrs.

Tippie Robinson's home were Mi', and Mrs. 0. L. Preston, Mrs. Roy Graham, Marty, and Ann Blystone, and iVlr.

and Mrs. Jerry John-ton of near Windsor. Bob Noland of Clinton spent Mondav night of last week with Tall Can Sliced No. 2 can $100 Mains Oil Sarditrss 4 for i i Clinton Feed Supply Co," 4 0 0 S. Washington Clinton, Mo.

f6-3 SG3ER? WEEK DAY'S 5:58 Sign On Party line 9:15 Public Service Program 6:35 Myzon (Mon. Wed. Fri.) Party Line (Tues. Thur. Sat.) 6:45 News 7:00 Farm Party Line 7:30 Sunrise Serenade 7:55 Sport fipeclal 8:00 Serenade 9:00 News 9:05 Music for Milady Service 9:30 KDKD Bandstand 10:00 Mid-Morning News 10 :05 State and Local New 10:15 Back Fence (Except Sat.) 10:30 Shoppers Serenade (Sat.

Only) Ten (Except Thurs. and Sat.) 10:55 County Home Agent (Except Sat.) 11:00 -Shoppers Serenade (Except Sat.) ALL KANSAS CITY Mar. 3 in the Bernie Gunn home. Mrs. Chas.

Redmond and Mrs. R. O. Brown spent Friday morning, Mar. 2, in Warrensburg and visited their cousin, Lillie I.

Shock. i Mr. and Mrs. Gene Marksberry spent Sunday of last week with Mr. and Mrs.

H. H. Benezette of Lee's Summit. (Mr, and Mrs. Smith and Mr.

and Mrs. Kelly and two daughters of Kansas City spent Saturday, Mar. 2, in the parental Jess Campbell home. NORMS NEIGHBORLY CLUB MEETS Mrs. Epperson Jerome was hostess to the Nor lis Neighborly Club Mar.

8, with 7 member, three children and one visitor, Mrs. Clyde Miller present. The meeting was opened by reading the Club Collect in unison. Roll call was answered by discussing food eosts. The monthly letter by Kathryn Zimmerman was read by Mrs.

Euel Dunn, and a contribution of $5 was voted to the Red Cross. The devotional, "My Kitchen Prayer," was given by Mrs. Jerome. All club members are to attend church services Apr. 28, when the.

theme, 'Today's Home Makes Tomorrow's World," will be emphasized. Mrs. Charles Ragland and Mrs. Lawrence Noreross gave the lesson on freezing, canning and other methods of food preservation. Recipes for food preservation, home mixes, also a Missouri plan-i ning and planting calendar were distributed.

The leaders served Chicks We're booking Hy-Line chick orders for the next hatching season. Order now. You can still get your favorite hatch date. Don't delay. Be sure you get the extra profits Hy-Lines offer.

FOR YOUR HY-LINE CHICKS SEE or CALL MATHIESON mm Gwnm Hartex- 303 Can Chunk Hartex 303 Can Crushed Hartex 45-oz. can Juice Pineapple Butter Kernel Whole Grain Yellow 303 Can Com 2-2 4 Fiiappie-Sforl00 Rainbow Alaska aimcn Rainbow YC cheese spread sandwiches, cookies, coffee and mints. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Elmer Butcher 12. Lo wry City Mrs.

W. T. Bray Mr. and Mrs. M.

A. Hamilton and Mrs. Lulu Smith were in Clintrn Monday, Mar. 4. Mrs.

Ladene- Miller and Miss Mary Lanoreth of Kansas City spent the week-end, Mar. 2-3, in Lowry City. Harry Bunch, who was ill at the home of his sister, Mrs. Maggie Beverston is reported slightly Improved. Mrs.

Maude Naylor is in the El-)ett Memorial Hospital at Apple-ton City where she underwent sur gery Mar. 4. Leo Wright and family of La-throp, visited Mrs. Mildred W. R.

Wright and family and the Osburn fammily over Sunday, Mar. 3. Mrs. Minnie "Wilson, Mrs. Robbie Barnett and Ethel Barnett were Sunday visitors of Mrs.

Mildred Wright. 'Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ferguson spent Mar. 3, witn Rev.

and Mrs. C. L. Daugherty, near Damascus. Mr.

and Mrs. Clyde W'alker visited his John Sparks, recently. and Mrs. Ed BoUrlabd visited recently in the Tom Gress home near Harper. Mr.

and Mrs. Jerry Bray took his parents, the W. Brays to Osceola Mar. 6. Mrs.

Will Turner, who went to a Columbia hospital last week for exrmination, has returned home. Ed Hinkle cf Appleton City spent several days last week with Mrs. Ann Jackson. SEE US OR OUR REPRESENTATIVES FOR HY-LINE CHICKS ZOLLICKER HATCHERY Phone 330 HairSsonvllle, Mo. mrs.

cTgTyoder Phone 35-F-3, Holdcn, Mo. FERNPATRICK PATRICK PRODUCE i'hone 53, Windsor, Mo. ALBERT GETZ Phone 103-F-2, Creighton, Mo. mrs.IrTeast east hatchery 613 S. Third Street, Phone 275, Clinton, Mo.

55-8 SUNDAYS 7:28 Sign On 7:30 Harding Choir 7:45 Sunrise Serenade 8:00 Newa 8:05 Gospelaires 9:00 Newa Summary 9:05 Medley Time 10:00 News, Sports, Weather 10:15 Top Tunes Time 10:45 Tuneful Ten 11:00 Baptist Church 11:45 Organ P.everies 12:00 Decision and Weather 12:45 Public Service Program 1:00 Sunday Serenade 2:00 News 2:05 KDKD Musicale 3:00 News Summary 3:05 Sunday Show Tunea 3:55 News Summary 4:00 Proudly We Hail 4:30 Platter Party 5:00 Musical Memories 5:45 News Wrap Up 6:00 Sign Off Among the ill are Mr. and Mrs. Will Sloan. Mrs. Minnie Conrad is also sick and her daughter, Mrs.

Nellie Walker of Marionville spent several days with her last week. A U.dy from Osceola is with her this week, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Conrad and sons of Kansas City spent the week-end, Mar 2-3 with Mrs. Conrad and in the Emmett Sheets home.

Walter Vangorden of Blairs-town called Mar. 2 on Mr. and Mrs. John Ccoper, both of whom are in poor health. Rev.

and Mrs. Olin Brown and son of Ruskin Heights visited Mar. 2 with Dr. and Mrs. G.

B. Domann. Mrs. Jesse Sparrow of Clinton spent the. week-end.

Mar, at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Snyder spent Mar.

1-3 with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Snyder. Mrs. Glen James of Osceola spent Tuesday night with her aunt, Mrs.

Ann Jackson in Lowry City. Mrs. R. Lacy and Mrs. Horace Mackey spent Mar.

1 in Clinton. Mrs. Tena Bunch of Chalk Level visited Mrs. Hattie Evans last week. Mrs.

Mary (Dempsy) Green of Washington state visited relatives here the past week. Perry Thompson, Mrs. Ray Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Goans and baby, all of Kansas City spent Mar.

1-3 in the Perry Thompson home. Mr. and Mrs. J. N.

Nielson of Raytown visited over a recent week-end with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Austin and daughters of Topeka, spent the week-end, Mar. 2-3 in the home of Rev.

and Mrs. James Pulley. Leland Austin and family of Topeka, and Rev. and Mrs. James Pulley attended the wedding Mar.

1 cf Jimmy Pulley, to a young lady of Springfield. Mrs. Arrie Frasure has returned to her home after visiting her daughter, Mrs. John Turner at Appleton City several days. Pvt.

Earl Lee Chiles, ton of Mrs. Ida M. Chiles of Deepwater, is at home on a 15-day convalescent leave. Pvt. Chiles is taking a 18-week course in postal training at San Francisco, Calif.

Melvin Lawson and family of Kansas City visited here over the week-end. PLANE TRIP TO NEW YORK CITY Mr. and Mrs. John 'W. Palmer are at home, 408 South Peyton, Clinton, reliving the memories of New York City and the week of festivities accorded Mr.

Palmer as an award for excellency in the Ford tractor parts and service department of the Cox Implement Company, corner Second and Green Streets. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer went by TWA, their first plane trip and a delightful mode of travel, speedy and comfortable. They, with 48 other couples, all winners from different parts of the United States, were housed in the Moritz Hotel which faces Central Park.

There the Sky Garden Room on the 34th floor was a meeting place for the new-found friends who enjoyed dinner and dancing. The United Naticns Building was a highlight of the tours which included the Statue of Liberty, Empire State Building and the multiplicity of extraordinary sights in our largest city. A Broadway show, "Little Ab-ner," was delightful, along with Radio City and the fabulous stage show there. The Wivel Supper Club, famous for swank smorgasbord, provided one evening's entertainment, followed by dancing. Mr.

and Mrs. Palmer left Kansas City Feb. 28, and returned Mar. 5 glad to be home. In addition to sightseeing and entertainment, they were enriched by knowledge gleaned in meetings held pertaining to their work.

Advertising is the life-blood of business. Let the Clinton Eye five your busiae a transfusion. Al Soft Toilet Tissue 4 rolls awn First Pick 8-oz. can Cove Mr. and Mrs.

Barney Adam' visited Mar. 3 in the Roy DeWitt home in Sedalia. Ed Cameron, a former resident of Chilhowee, died in Warrens-hursf and was buried at Sunset Hill Friday, Met. 1. Mr.

and Mrs. Palo Davis visited in the Marshal Stansberry home at Creighton Sunday afternoon, Mar. 3. Other callers were Bertha Stansberry, Mr. and Mrs.

Cecil Dunham of Holden, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Conrad of Kansa? City, and Mr. and Mrs. August Polzin.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Vance came for her mother, Mrs. Welch and took her to their home for the week-end, iMar. 2-3.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Summers of Windsor, Glenn Gunn and family of Independence, and Leroy Gunn and family of Centerview spent melamina.r This seed is a blend of five choice lawn seeds specially blended by MFA seed scientists. You can't buy a better lawn seed than MFA! Farmers Elevator Supply Co. CLINTON MISSOURI SPECIAL 'FACTORY'RuT Sill CHOICE MEATS FRESH VEGETABLES Fresh Dressed.

Cut up 2-2V2-lb. FKFE "ith Fll im ms Washington Winesap ryers I.45c Jippies 4159 Wilson's Lean Sliced 43c Pascal Tender Krisp By I'ieee Slab Bacon .141 Celery 2 for 2 50 Lean Fresh Lb. 35c Firm Ripe GroidBeef3lbs.g9c Bananas 2 Ins. 25' Cleaned Fresh T. V.

Sliced Texas Jumbo Ruby Red Bed Brains Bason Carrds Grancfruii R-g! Ui2Sc UH9e 49 dez. Good Value FROZEN FOODS Ml fOri fitl ft TV-6-w. can Va? Pr.ek.-U iiidlgdllllS Orange Juice 2 for 250 TV French Fried I Pit TOO Thats Tasty Potatoes 2 for 25c OlOl 1 Whiting Fish 29C rmc a 10-oz. f-a Vfe) III n. Fish Sticks Z9t Spring River Pillsbury All Purpose WilS0n Fbr Choppad Bif Paper Napkins Colored Bowls 110111 frtr ioib.b3S 95c 3 for $1 00 1c Og2 bfrWELL-NIGHlUNBREAKABLE BUY 4-S AVE' MORE li ijPLACE.SETTIHGS melded of miracle limited time offer 10 DAYS ONLY on introduction fcest-wearlng? best-locking dinnerware made! Actually guaranteed agaim! breakage, safe in a dishwasher's hottest water! Four colorj Shell White, Bon Bon Pink, Turquoiserte, Butler Yellow.

Place setting mcludeSjJO'' plate, 9 oz. dessert dish, cup and saucer. Writltn (uoranlr contoind i ry pockag RECULARLYJ18.0!?; HARDWARE SPORTING GOODS Mo Jewelry Repairing Watch Repairing Ring Rebuilding Frederick Jewelry West Side Sq. ml 4'4-U.

The Clinton Eye from Clinton, Missouri (2024)
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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.