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Home | | Emergency Management | Special Needs Program
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- Special Needs Program
Emergency Management - Main Office
M - F: 8am - 5pm
(407) 742-9000
2586 Partin Settlement Road
Kissimmee, FL 34744
Contact Us
Florida Statute requires county emergency management to provide the leadership and direction to effectively care for the community of special needs individuals in times of disaster.
Osceola County Emergency Management and partners have demonstrated consistent excellence in the planning and execution of the Special Needs Program.
The program includes annual registration and education for individuals with special needs. During periods of threatened conditions, Osceola County provides special needs sheltering for those who require sheltering. Partner organizations, such as the Osceola Council On Aging and the Department of Health, come together to ensure the utmost in care during a sheltering event. Scroll down to view a list of Osceola County Sheltersspecifically designated for special needs individuals. To view the entire shelter list, please click on the SHELTER LIST link in the menu list.
English Español
Shelter Items Checklist
Register for the Special Needs Program
Step 1
- Read the application instructions and checklist here.
Step 2
- Fill out our PDF / printable version of the application and email to specialneeds@osceola.org, or deliver the paper form to:
Osceola County Emergency Management
Attention: Special Needs Registration
2586 Partin Settlement Road
Kissimmee, FL 34744
Questions? Email specialneeds@osceola.org or call 407-742-9001.
Fax: 407-742-9022
Emergencies for Floridians with Disabilities
May 4, 2010
Watch this Florida State Emergency Response Team video for information about reviewing available resources, capabilities, and needs; making evacuation plans and preparing evacuation supplies before
Emergency Supply Kit
May 4, 2010
Watch this Florida State Emergency Response Team video for additional information on what to keep in your emergency supply kit.
Evacuation Checklist
May 4, 2010
The Evacuation Checklist video from the Florida State Emergency Response Team provides information on what-to-do before you evacuate.
Special Needs Registry
May 4, 2010
View All Videos
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